Name: Bluestone Mortgages Ltd (BML).
Address: Bluestone Mortgages Limited, 3rd Floor, 22 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1LS
Phone Number: 0800 368 1834
If you want to receive a copy of the information we hold or exercise any of your information rights as explained in this notice you can submit your request using this link
If you do not wish to use this form, or if you have any concerns or complaints about our use of your information, you can contact us using the details above.If we cannot resolve your enquiry to your satisfaction, you can contact the ICO at or by telephoning 0303 123 1113 if you have a complaint that relates to the way we have handled your personal information.
You can contact our Group Data Protection Officer by email at or by writing to them at Shawbrook Bank Limited, Lutea House, Warley Hill Business Park, The Drive, Great Warley, Brentwood, Essex, CM13 3BE, if you have any questions about this privacy notice.
We currently collect and process the following information relating to you, from you in connection with your Application (for a mortgage) or Mortgage (loan agreement). We may also process information in relation to any guarantor of, or joint applicant for the loan.
This personal information may include:
Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you in connection with your Application (for a mortgage) or Mortgage (loan agreement) and its on-going administration.
In the processing of your Application and the administration of your account, we may also collect personal information relating to you from other sources, including:
We may also make a credit search with CRAs, which will record details of that search whether or not your Application is successful. Each search will be registered on your credit file(s) individually, and a number of searches within a short period may impact on your ability to obtain credit. We or other lenders may take this association into account in future applications for credit or financial services. The association will remain between you until one of you successfully applies for “disassociation,” the formal process of undoing a CRA association. Information held about you by CRAs may be linked to records relating to other persons. Your Application will be assessed with reference to any “associated” records of CRA searches of joint applicants for a mortgage.
We may share this information for the processing of Applications and Mortgages with other organisations, including:
Under the United Kingdom (UK) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the lawful basis we rely on for the processing of this information are:
The legal bases on which we collect, process and transfer special categories of data relating to you in the manner described above are:
BML conducts no direct marketing to mortgage applicants or customers. BML sends new and existing product updates to its network of mortgage brokers. This is assessed to be a reasonable expectation for business to business activities and is therefore conducted under BML’s legitimate interest. If you have any questions regarding marketing please contact us by using the details at the start of this notice.
In connection with the above we might transfer your personal information outside the UK and outside the European Economic Area (EEA), including to a jurisdiction which is not recognised by the UK or the European Commission (EC) as providing for an equivalent level of protection for personal information as is provided for in both the UK and European Union (EU). If your personal information is transferred internationally, we will ensure that appropriate measures are in place to comply with our obligations under applicable law governing such transfers. These may include entering into a contract governing the transfer that contains ‘standard contractual clauses’ approved for this purpose by the ICO. If you would like to receive further details of the measures that we have taken in this regard, we can be contacted by using the details at the start of this notice.
As part of the processing of your personal information, decisions may be made by automated means, e.g. we may use credit scoring methods or other automated decision-making systems to assess your credit status. We may automatically decide that you pose a fraud or money laundering risk if our processing reveals your behaviour to be consistent with that of known fraudsters or money launderers; or is inconsistent with your previous submissions; or you appear to have deliberately hidden your true identity.
Your information is securely stored:
We will not hold your data for longer than is necessary. We will retain and hold your personal information, and all details and documents relating to your loan, for up to five years after:
We will then dispose of your information
Under data protection law, you have the following rights including:
If you wish to make a request to exercise one or your rights you can submit your request here or by using the details at the start of this notice
A copy of the Experian Credit Reference Agency Information Notice (CRAIN) can be found here:
A copy of the Cifas Fair Processing Notice (FPN) can be found here:
Information last updated on the 25/02/2025
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Mon-Fri 9:00am – 5:30am.
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