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Complex doesn't mean impossible

When it comes to helping those with complex credit, the key is ascertaining what event impacted their credit profile

Specialist lending has never been more important

We know how specialist lending seeks to help disenfranchised customers who have been let down and ignored by mainstream lenders for too long. Done correctly, specialist lending is flexible, affordable and responsible.

The pandemic has significantly impacted the mortgage market, especially specialist lenders. The market is returning to some sort of normality, however, it will be some time before we know what the specialist lender market looks like going forward. One thing is certain – the specialist lending market is more important now than ever.

Who we help

We’ve spent years working with brokers, helping them to recommend products that match their customers’ needs.

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Made for the new world of lending

The specialist lending market needs to find new, innovative ways to help customers who have been impacted by the pandemic and financial blips. We believe the key to providing this assistance lies with brokers. That’s why we are encouraging you to look closely at this market in order to help customers affected by the pandemic. We believe this will be a high growth market and there are lots of opportunities for brokers and consumers going forward. If we work together, the specialist lending market can thrive.

If you have complex credit customers, call us and find out how we can help.
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Providing stability during turbulence

Initiatives and directives, such as Open Banking, are opening up a world of possibilities for specialist lenders. We expect the demand for tailored financial solutions to increase as more consumers fall into the “non-vanilla” bracket. Bluestone and its partners are determined to provide support for all of those customers.

Whilst the last few years have been turbulent, we are doing all we can to return to what we do best – that’s providing first-class service, high-quality specialist underwriting decisions, and, above all, the right outcomes for our partners and their customers.

Highly-rated communicators

We pride ourselves not only on our service but communication and transparency with our brokers. We were proud to be the highest rated specialist lender for adverse credit cases and we were delighted to see this reflected when we were awarded the “Best Adverse Credit Lender” in the mortgage lender benchmark where brokers shared feedback on lenders, examining how lenders are performing.

It was pleasing to score particularly high in relationship management, coming second when compared to all banks, building societies and specialist lenders. We were also proud to be commended for the way we communicate and the ease of determining a product.

Making the complex, easy

My customer went through a divorce 2 years ago which led to a few missed payments on his mortgage, I can't seem to find a solution anywhere!

Luckily, we can accept up to four missed mortgage payments between 13-24 months old.


My client's credit score is really bad! I won't bother with it.

Not to worry! We have a 'no credit scoring' policy. Instead, we follow a manual underwriting approach to gain a better understanding of the events that led to your customer's financial blips.

One of my customers had a CCJ of £280 registered last month! We'll try applying in 6 months time.

Why wait till then when they have a chance now? We'll disregard all CCJs under £300 even in the last 3 months!

My customer has a current DMP registered to their name, it's impossible to find them a mortgage.

At Bluestone Mortgages, we accept DMPs which can remain even on completion if the customer has kept up with all payments.

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Our Lending Criteria

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Mon-Fri 9:00am – 5:30am.
Calls may be recorded.

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